Tag Archives: The Fall

Vaccination – I’m with the Others

Vaccination – I’m with the Others.mp3

This reminds me very much of The Fall, which is always a nice thing to be reminded of. From the gnarled tunesmithing, to the vocals that lie somewhere between a croon and a sneer, to the eventual burial of everything underneath a tsunami of static, it’s got everything that people love to hate about The Fall (which are the same things we love to love about them [and Vaccination, too]).  Plus, the lyrics are a bit of the inside-looking-outside-looking-in thing. I AM JACK’S WITHERING VOCAL PERSONA.

And once the ‘withering vocal persona’ steps back from the mike, the blown-out amps kick in, peeling paint off the walls and wax off ear drums with a steadily building onslaught of not-harmonic-at-all distortion. Bad for you in the very best way, like 4-1/2 minutes of honestly not giving a single fuck. Refreshing!

If you like this sort of thing, take a listen to Vaccination’s debut album, embedded below just because I goddamn can. (This is why the internet > everything else in the history of humanity.)

Speaking of the internet, have you checked out this Facebook thing?  (I know for a fact that a loyal reader whose initials rhyme with Elizabeth has not. Also, one of our contributors has refused to make the plunge. I won’t say which one.) Perhaps own a few shares? Well, Vaccination is there, too. You can also find them over at Youtube, a.k.a. “radio for your eyes.”


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Statement of Intent v.3

Celebrate the common man.



Filed under Statement(s) of Intent